Benefits of Immunity Boosters and How They Can Help You Fight This Pandemic In 2020

The pandemic has the whole world stand still and has affected thousands of people in many ways. The challenges people face are immeasurable and are struggling to prevent any infection in the current situation. To prevent any infection, one must have strong immunity and enough stamina to recover quickly.


What does it take to build a good immunity?

A strong immunity cannot be built overnight, it needs to be taken care of right from a young age. A weak body and frequent illness indicate weak immunity. A person’s immunity can be improved at any age and building a strong immune system is very important, even when there is no pandemic happening.

How to consistently improve your immunity?

Immunity will be good when a person consumes a balanced meal. A balanced meal includes necessary amounts of protein, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. These can be gained by eating regular home-cooked meals. When you need to boost your immunity considering the pandemic, there are many natural herbs that can help you.


YSA Market offers Immunity Boosting Ayurvedic Products


This is one of the powerful Ayurvedic creations that help to boost immunity effectively. The lehiyam comprises dhashamoola roots and original herbs that help the body to build strong immunity. This lehiyam can be consumed by everyone, including people who suffer from allergy, general respiratory illness, bronchitis, and asthma. This will also reduce the frequency of infections and flu symptoms. The Swasamritham in YSA market is manufactured with utmost care. The ingredients are verified for their purity and originality and prepared with zero preservatives.


Chyawanprash is one popular lehiyam that everyone is aware of. It is prepared using Indian gooseberry, also called Amla, which contains high amounts of Vitamin C. vitamin C is an essential element to build a strong immune system.

It creates new white blood cells and fights viruses/bacteria. When consumed regularly, it can aid digestion, relieve gas and bloating, relieve constipation and also stabilize metabolism. The Chyawanprash available in YSA market is handmade with 57 herbs and contains zero preservatives. All ingredients in the lehiyam are checked for their purity and verified for their originality.


Thirikadugam is a powder that is prepared by combining equal proportions of dry ginger (sukku), peppercorns (milagu), and long pepper (thippili). This ayurvedic powder has the efficiency to treat and prevent cough, cold, asthma, indigestion, gastritis, bad cholesterol, viral infections, regulates bowel movements and ulcers in internal organs. The ingredients in thirikadugam are highly pure and the powder is manufactured without any preservatives. It also helps to boost immunity and fight the pandemic. 

Bokhar Pain Balm

It is a unique combination of herbs that are effective in treating cold, fever, cough, body ache, headache, ear pain, indigestion, sinusitis and migraines. It can be consumed to treat issues like constipation, loose motion or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and regulates bowel movements. The pain balm is a multipurpose, one-stop solution for many health ailments.

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