Thirikadugam – A popular medicine in Ayurvedha and Siddha

Thirikadugam – A combination of three spices

Thirikadugam is a combination of three spices – Sukku (dry ginger), Milagu (black pepper), and Thippili (long pepper). It is one of the popular medicines that is used to treat many ailments in Ayurveda and Siddha practices. This name is derived from the Sanskrit word “Thrikatuka” – thri means three and katuka means one of the spices that is used in thirikadugam. 


Health benefits of dry ginger (sukku)

Dry ginger is a common ingredient that is many Ayurveda and Siddha medicines. This spice contains many medicinal properties that help to treat various health ailments.

  • Menstrual cramps and pain
  • Nausea
  • Morning sickness
  • Indigestion
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Burns fat

Health benefits of Black pepper

Black pepper is used in everyday food we eat, especially in Asian countries, since ancient times. This spice can be added to any dish that is cooked or can be sprinkled on top of any salad.

  • Natural anti-inflammatory
  • Aids weight loss by reducing cholesterol
  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Treats flu/cold symptoms
  • Aids digestion

Health benefits of long pepper

Long pepper is a spice that is native to India and has been used in traditional medicines since ancient times. 

  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces bloating/gas
  • Treats pain and cramps
  • Helps regulate bowel movement
  • Treats respiratory ailments

When consumed internally, this combination of spices helps to treat various health issues. This Chooranam can be consumed for general well-being also. 

Aids digestion

When this Chooranam is consumed regularly, it stimulates the digestive system to perform better, increases the body’s ability to absorb more nutrition, and also reduces the Kapha. It helps in smooth bowel movement and eliminates gas build-up. This combination of spices helps to reduce bloating and internal inflammation.

Treats cold and fever

Regular consumption of this Chooranam helps to prevent cold and flu symptoms. It also treats cold, running nose, and sinus. It helps to treat respiratory diseases and reduces the symptoms of wheezing/breathing difficulties. 

Fat reduction

Thirikadugam is effective when it comes to increasing metabolism. This helps to burn fat and regularize the appetite. When the metabolism is sluggish, the body craves sugar based food in higher quantities. Regular consumption of this chooranam, along with good physical exercise can help one to reduce fat percentage in the body. In turn, it helps the liver to function in a better way. Obese people can consume this chooranam daily to aid weight loss and fat loss.  

I general, this combination of spices helps to alleviate various symptoms and regulates the internal organs, to function well. This powder or chooranam can be purchased online here


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